August 14th, 2024
Bundle Discounts
Product Badge
Save Post-purchase page to Library
Added support for shorthand hexadecimal codes in the color picker.
Added a warning on live pages to indicate that only one widget will display if a third-party does not support multiple widgets on a single page. (applied to Recharge, SellEasy)
Changed the "Suggested by GemPages" app list to a carousel format to better highlight third-party apps.
Optimized the publish flow to reduce page publishing time.
Updated the SEO Checker to return error messages instead of running indefinitely without stopping.
Fixed an issue where the default setting for Product Quantity could be zero or negative.
Fixed a bug where font weight settings were not working with sans-serif fonts.
Fixed a bug where the Icon List setting 'display on' was not hiding on desktop screens.
Fixed an issue where the Discount Tag did not display on live sites when the Pre-Selected Option was turned off in Product Variants & Swatches.
Fixed an issue preventing article deletion when the store lacks a blog.
Hide the landing page rename guidance message in the rename popup for Theme Sections and Sales Funnels.
Changed the Add To Cart button type to 'submit' to facilitate automated integration with third-party apps.
Updated deprecated parameters for the upload API.
If a page has multiple Newsletter forms, it now supports scrolling to the correct position after submitting the form.
*Support only Newsletter, will be updated this fix to Contact form soon.
Product Cart Button:
Prevent customers from adding a quantity greater than the available Shopify inventory. This check applies when ‘Track quantity’ is enabled and ‘Allow out-of-stock purchases’ is disabled.
Support for opening a popup and scrolling to the correct position after clicking ‘Add to Cart’.
Update Typography Setting
Change app handle "bold" ➝ "gempages-cro"